Our Sustainability Framework

Pillar I: People
Our People pillar is of utmost importance as we believe that the well-being of our employees and the communities where we operate is essential to the success of our business.
Pillar II: Planet
The Planet pillar is dedicated to minimising our environmental footprint as a business and preserving Namibia’s natural resources for future generations.
Pillar III: Performance
The Performance pillar is the cornerstone of our organisation. Achieving sustainable growth and creating value for our stakeholders are key drivers.
What we stand for:
- We support decarbonization of power, industry and transport – but are realistic and recognise the challenges of decarbonizing economies that are growing, urbanizing or developing.
- We know that developing nations deserve the same access to power as wealthy countries – but have greater need for reliable and baseload energy.
- Nuclear energy is humanity’s best solution for decarbonization without holding back developing and growing economies.
- We are proud to fuel the future of nuclear energy.
- Getting Etango into production will also create profound positive impacts for Namibia and our host community.

Pillar I: People
Our People pillar is of utmost importance as we believe that the well-being of our employees and the communities where we operate is essential to the success of our business.
Our comprehensive approach prioritises health and safety, sets high standards and procedures, and implements effective emergency preparedness systems.
We also strive to engage with our stakeholders in a collaborative manner to continuously improve our contributions to local socio- economic development.
Sustainability Targets FY 2024:
Our People:
- Develop organisational capacity and competency to promote diversity in employment, engage effectively with stakeholders, increase cultural awareness, respect human rights, and respond empathetically and thoroughly to workplace harassment or discrimination grievances or concerns.
- Ensure all employees complete human rights training.
- Implement the Namibian Affirmative Action (Employment) Act once Bannerman Namibia’s employee count grows beyond 10 Namibian employees (expected in 2024).
Health & Safety:
- Achieve the highest standards of safety and health for Bannerman’s workforce, service providers, and communities by implementing the Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) Framework, which will guide the development of management plans for the project, workplace safety plans for employees and contractors, and community health and safety plans, including plans across Occupational Health & Safety and radiation.
- Achieve 14 years of zero lost-time injuries.
Our Social Responsibilities:
- Continue to grow the Early Learner Assistance Programme to reach a further 300 learners with the aim of improving the quality of education schoolchildren receive.
- Identify and implement a second flagship youth educational initiative, which builds the capacity of an existing organisation that offers outstanding educational outcomes to underprivileged Namibian youth.

Pillar II: Planet
The Planet pillar is dedicated to minimising our environmental footprint as a business and preserving Namibia’s natural resources for future generations.
It is crucial to manage waste effectively and responsibly, ensuring that we curtail our contribution to GHG emissions and help to combat risks of climate change.
We also prioritise the protection of the environment, including the promotion of biodiversity and responsible tourism practices. Therefore, we have implemented measures to limit our environmental footprint, such as reducing our carbon emissions and promoting the economical and efficient use of water and energy resources crucial to both our business and the environment.
Sustainability Targets FY 2024:
Environmental Impacts and Stewardship:
- Update and consolidate Bannerman Namibia’s Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIAs) into a single document.
- Document a single reference point for Bannerman Namibia’s various Environmental Management Plans.
Climate Change and Energy Use:
- Undertake an assessment of Etango’s forecast greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and identify potential mitigations that practically and sustainably reduce GHG emissions in the construction and operation of Etango.
- Incorporate climate change considerations into the designs, construction, and operational practices for Etango.

Pillar III: Performance
The Performance pillar is the cornerstone of our organisation. Achieving sustainable growth and creating value for our stakeholders are key drivers.
Our commitment is unwavering, and we aim to deliver on our promises to our shareholders, employees, community, and other stakeholders.
To achieve this, we adhere to a corporate governance regime which ensures that we operate with the highest levels of ethical standards, transparency, and accountability.
Sustainability Targets FY 2024:
Sustainability Framework:
- Revise existing protocols and implement new policies to align with the Sustainability Framework, including expectations around ESG policies; the Code of Conduct for employees, suppliers, and contractors; and role descriptions and performance expectations of employees.
- Ensure all employees complete Bribery & Corruption Policy and Whistleblower training.

Every year Etango-8 will deliver
3.5 Mlbs U3O8
Enough uranium to power 7-8 large nuclear reactors.
25 million tonnes
The equivalent amount of coal that our production displaces.
64 million tonnes
Carbon emissions avoided from nuclear power using our uranium (if displacing coal-fired power)
760 Namibian jobs
760 well paid direct jobs and a multiplier effect of up to 5,000 indirect jobs.